Prepare for audits, prevent collections and recover revenue.

Clean up pending claims with t19

The HRSA Solution

Our intelligent logic has the highest instance of finding active coverage.

t19 Icon Blue

Our Approach:

  • Custom insurance discovery specific to the clients’ needs and patient’s region that helps meet and exceed the output results

  • Because of our extensive customizable insurance discovery system, we also provide an audit trail to show proper due diligence prior to HRSA submission for reimbursement, which is available with every file

The Results:

  • Insurance found

  • No payer found

  • Insurance found but would not likely reimburse covid vaccine/testing (vision, dental, etc.)

Note: We also identify mismatches, potential fraud

Disclaimer: tevixMD is not providing legal advice, we are only providing information on how our solution can help you be compliant with HRSA.